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Life is crazy and chaotic and can really take a toll

on our bodies and minds.


Sometimes we find ourselves stuck feeling blah

on more days than some.


Sometimes we feel like our bodies are working against us, or maybe not working at all.


Sometimes we feel like we've lost our spark a little,

or maybe a lot.


Remember when you were a little kid and swinging through the monkey bars was your favourite thing?


When you could do 10 summersaults in a row one minute and be up and running the next?


That feeling of freedom and unself-conscious delight doesn't have to be just a memory.  


What It's All About 

You're not meant to live life feeling stuck in blah,
you're meant to flow.

You want to wake up feeling vibrant and ready for anything!


You want to feel at home in your body, like it's a good friend who's got your back through thick and thin. 


dhanurasana bow pose

Joyful movement, some good ol' sweat, and a curious perspective can help you find your flow, feel more delight, and turn your body in to an ally...


Better than that, an ally that you actually like and want to go outside and play with!

Through this movement and lifestyle blog I share my own journey, and hope to offer a little more flow

to your days.

I want you to feel your best every day at home in your body, to know your own beauty and ability, to find freedom and flow in curious exploration. 

Come, let's play!

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